Day 2: The road to Namche


Waking up in our chilly little room was a challenge, but the excitement for the adventure ahead quickly got the best of me. I got up, stashed my sleeping bag and started moving.

Breakfast was quick. Then, after a fast pee in the hole toilet outside, I joined the group on the lawn to begin our hike again.

The second day trek to Namche Bazaar was a terrifying challenge – but ultimately empowering and beautiful. We wound through villages, then into a park filled with stunning prayer rocks and monuments. We hiked along in the beautiful, cool sunshine – all-the-while dodging more donkeys and more yaks.

High-flying rope bridges linked our route over the river again and again. Teal glacial waters rushed below while prayer flags and scarves flew above.

The whole scene was amazing.

Dawa had warned us that the last two hours would be almost entirely vertical.

It wasn’t a lie.

The last half of the morning was spent tackling one steep climb after another. I certainly hit moments where putting one foot in front of the other was the best I could do. Slow and steady. Breathe in. Breathe out.

The path wound through some of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen. Then, suddenly – Namche.

Namche’s elaborate entrance and sparkling fountains made it an oasis in a sea of rock and trees. We shuffled through the streets loaded with vendors while oogling the cafes, bars and ATMs around every corner.

The climbing hadn’t ended. We crossed almost the entire city to finally gather at our hotel high along the opposite side.

Inside, we found our Ritz-Carlton – free charging, twin rooms with private bathrooms and paid hot showers in the shed out back. It was truly exceptional.

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