Deliver Immediate Relevance with Geotargeting


And, here we go again. I can’t emphasize the value of targeting enough — and while moving through it all (don’t miss my posts on behavioral, demographic and contextual targeting), we can’t overlook geotargeting.

Ok, yes — in all this magic, I did mention that targeting by location is typically a demographic variable. But, with the rise of social media check-ins and smartphones continuously tracking location — geotargeting has earned a segment and strategy all its own. And, it more than deserves it.

Boost Relevance with Geotargeting | Reach your most engaged followers by connecting with them based on their location. Details on the blog now. @marketmox

Geotargeting uses the geolocation of a website visitor (the physical location at this moment, not a self-identified location such as a headquarters or home city) to serve content or ads. The cool piece of the puzzle is that these ads can be closely tied to the country, region, city, building, etc. in which the person is located. It’s a significantly under-appreciated tactic at the moment and can be one of the hardest to plan and coordinate — but also holds the benefit of being one of the most effective when leveraged corrected. Geotargeting ads is most likely to grow in popularity among mobile advertisers for its ability to deliver focused, highly relevant advertisements at key decision-making/actionable moments.

But how? Why?

Consider that your target user has walked into a retail store and is researching products similar to yours. Through geotargeting, the site or app this person is using can recognize the location the of user. Using your set campaign parameters, we can serve your ad promoting the values of your product versus the others.

Or, imagine that your audience is perusing a festival at which you have a booth. When shoppers arrive at the venue, your ads could appear across the web as they browse and search — reminding them to find and engage with you on site.

The immediate relevance and incredible action-oriented use case of geotargeting makes it one of the most powerful up and coming strategies in our targeting arsenal.

If you’re ready to engage your users on the go, talk with us today and we’ll help you get started.

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