Audience Targeting eBook Ranks Top 100 in Amazon Kindle Advertising Books


Not much seems to compare to seeing our Audience Targeting: Digital Marketing Strategies for Finding Your Customer Online skyrocket up the Amazon charts lately! After launching in late February, our audience targeting eBook has consistently ranked in the Top 100 of Advertising books in Amazon’s Paid Kindle Store. Today, it sits at #56.

Did you catch this amazing audience targeting ebook by @marketmox? It's in Amazon's Top 100 Paid Kindle Advertising Books!

After a tremendous launch and one-week free promotion, the audience targeting ebook captured the #2 spot among Advertising books in the Free Kindle Store. Since then, it’s held on to that momentum and amazing support to continue helping entrepreneurs and marketers alike rethink their digital targeting strategies.

I genuinely cannot thank our MARKETMOX community enough for the support and excitement you’ve generated around this first release! We’re more excited than ever to bring you more great tools like this.

More about the book from Amazon:

Tired of purchasing ads that fall flat? Or, posting great content that no one sees? Audience targeting has a huge impact on the performance and success of your digital marketing tactics. Tap into industry’s most common targeting techniques with this powerful breakdown by corporate and small business marketer, Laura Noll.

Making the commitment growing your businesses with a thoughtful marketing strategy is a huge deal — but it’s really only half the battle. You need to know who you’re targeting and where to aim your tactics to achieve positive results. Audience Targeting will help you to identify exactly that while shaping your targeting strategy to:

•  Make your marketing strategy more efficient
•  Ensure your ad dollars are invested in the right places
•  Improve your lead quality and conversions

Dive into this exceptional quick read to start improving on your audience targeting strategies today!

This is incredible! Get this amazingly detailed eBook to help with targeting your customer on social media, ad networks and more. @marketmox

And quick it is! At 26 pages, Audience Targeting falls into the Kindle Store’s 45-minute reads list (currently ranking at #107 — so close!). It’s the perfect addition to your next campaign. Grab a copy of the audience targeting ebook at a measly $2.99. Then, take it and a cup of coffee to a quiet corner. Less than an hour later, you’ll be ready to start targeting your ads like never before.

Give it a read, leave us a review or tweet out loud @marketmox and let’s talk through your targeting strategy!

That Amazon link up there — that’s an affiliate link. You should know that if you click it and then you buy something, Amazon will toss me some spare change for being cool and helping them advertise. As the author of this book, I’d give you the link whether or not I was getting paid for it. But, as a marketing educator, I feel obligated to make sure you know what you’re clicking on. Cheers!

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