The Beginning of ‘Gets Lost’


In a blaze of glory, I quit my full-time job, announced full-time self employment and bought a one-way ticket to Italy.

Beautiful day for a plane ride. #lauragetslost

A photo posted by Laura Noll (@lauranoll_) on

I had so many pinch-me moments following my two-week notice from the “real world” that I honestly can’t tell you when things started to feel real again. Maybe they still don’t. The journey from mid-March to mid-May was so life altering that it definitely deserves its space here. Although, I still don’t feel like I can do it justice.

You see, the story overwhelming at best. So many emotions and moments were the catalysts for other emotions and other moments. Seriously, the last 6 months of my life look like a nuclear fission chain. Which, actually, makes the beginning of the story a little funny given that the universe dropped me in Aviano, Italy.

Looking back now — only a few months later — I’m already thankful for my journals. I didn’t blog while I traveled, but I wrote constantly. Mostly notes to myself balanced with a few reminders of where my mind had drifted.

Beautiful day for another plane ride. #thatwasfun #letsdoitagain #lauragetslost

A photo posted by Laura Noll (@lauranoll_) on

So many would wonder why I went. Plenty were concerned for my sanity. Why so far? Why so long? Are you coming back? I never actually had an answer. I still don’t.

But, I didn’t go in search of anything.

I wasn’t looking for inspiration. I wasn’t trying to escape. I didn’t seek love or follow a trendy wanderlust. It was honestly as simple as wishing for this trip since college and, suddenly, realizing that it would never just happen to me. If I wanted it, I had to go for it. I had to go all in.

You guys, it’s a beautiful morning for another fucking plane ride! #jazzhands #letsdoitagainagain #lauragetslost

A photo posted by Laura Noll (@lauranoll_) on

I’d waited for years for a hypothetical right moment. Like many, I wished a free trip would just manifest itself like a spectacular showcase on the Price is Right. But Bob wasn’t calling my name. I’d never made it to a Showcase Showdown and I was beginning to realize that this was all on me.

So, like most things, I threw myself into it — 1010%.

I quit my job;
bought a laptop, passport and one-way ticket;
recruited 5 dog sitters;
contacted 3 friends abroad;
packed one bag;
and gave my parents a week of notice.

[x_alert heading=”Vicarious adventures and vines” type=”muted”]Follow Laura (#lauragetslost) through Venice, Naples, Positano and Rome! Read more from this journey in the Italy archive. [/x_alert]

To license Laura’s photos for your own use, visit iStock. To order unmarked prints, contact Laura directly.



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