Bet You’ve Been Wondering About Those Pants

In Life by LauraLeave a Comment

Six months ago, I wore the worst jeans in the world to work. By the end of the day, I had a year-long gym membership and a mantra that kind of resembled a strategy: feel healthier.

With the New Year rung in and an inevitable rush of resolvers descending on my gym tomorrow, it’s probably about time to check in on this train wreck of a health kick and see how it’s gone. Knowing what you know though, it shouldn’t be surprising that the only official measurement of success in this experiment is the level of comfort experienced while wearing pants for 8 hours. That’s not typically fun for anyone anyway, but keep in mind that this particular pair is the Old Navy Diva denim from hell™. Suck.

You see, in the flurry of “what do you mean these pants don’t fit?” rage, I never once stepped on a scale, busted out a tape measure or took “before” photos. Who could blame me? I mean, at the point that you’re miserable wearing pants, who really wants more proof? Having failed at plenty of diet strategies in the past, I decided to stick with the blind commitment to feeling healthier — running, walking, pilating, yogaing, ellipticaling, kettlebelling and spinning through the giant black hole that is fitness.

Well friends, it’s working.

For the first time in many, many years – I crave a good workout daily. More than fitting in the pants, this is what I wanted. The credit goes to one simple switch in the way I think about my health and find motivation. Instead of aiming for a number on a scale, I’m aiming for a feeling. For me, “healthier” is the feeling of climbing into the world’s hottest shower with jello legs after an hour of ass-kicking spin. Or that my-stomach-is-going-to-fall-off moment at the 60-second mark of a mediocre plank. Even the oh-that’s-why-I’m-not-a-backup-dancer epiphany mid-Zumba is a win in my book.

With that, I finally feel like I’ve found what works for me. Let me tell you guys — if this is something you’ve attempted to do, the finding of what works, I feel your pain. It sucks so many popsicles. But having finally found it, I can tell you it really is worth it. I’m cheering for you.

Now, I don’t resolve. I refuse to resolve. But, in the spirit of the New Year, I figured it couldn’t hurt to update the mantra for the next six months: feel even healthier. Motivate me to motivate you to motivate me, my friends. And, if you’re new to the box, fair warning — stay off my bike.