Using Demographics for Audience Targeting


Demographic targeting is one of the most straightforward and basic strategies for ensuring your message reaches the right audience. First, use our 5-minute video course to identify your target audience, then you’ll be ready to hit the ground running with your demographic data.

Target Your Audience with Demographics | Boost your engagement with better targeting strategies @marketmox

Demographic data opens the door to a tested and true method of targeting that most brands are quick to use. The data is often easily accessible, especially in the digital world, and let’s us dive in to targeting our audience with greater precision online. Demographic data often includes gender, age, social class, ethnicity, language, employment status and location among others.

When targeting with demographics, we often make generalizations about the audience in an effort to find them online and serve content and ads that are engaging. These generalizations also allow us to expand our audience. Instead of reaching solely the audience that is already familiar with our product and brand, we can place ads and content that are likely to grow our following among like-minded people.

For example, when targeting an audience of affluent women, ages 24-34, in the Midwest, there are a number of blogs and publications that we could reach out to in order to connect with this demographic. We would explore those opportunities and look to make an ad buy, sponsor a post or partner with any of them in some way to expand our reach.

Most digital ad platforms, including social media and search, will allow you to use demographics for targeting your ads and content. Once you’ve collected data on your target audience and know who it is you’re targeting, simply plug the details into your ad manager and the system will typically take care of the rest. You can also leverage your demographic data in tandem with behavioral targeting techniques to even better optimize your targeting strategy.

If you need more help getting started in your marketing and targeting strategies, reach out to a marketing professional like MARKETMOX for more guidance.

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