Turn Intrigue to Commitment with Retargeting


Have you ever noticed that, after an online shopping spree, your favorite products seem to follow you around the Internet? It’s true. Try browsing a few products on Amazon right now. It’s a worthwhile bet that you’ll see those same items pop up in ads as your explore the Internet later. Welcome to retargeting.

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, empowers brands to reach users who have shown previous interest in their sites or brands while online. By leveraging browser cookies, a brand can ‘flag’ your browser for specific products and interests. Then, when you run into a dynamic ad space later, that brand can inject any number of ads that align with the ‘flag’ they’ve assigned you.

Turn Intrigue to Commitment with Retargeting | Time to boost those conversions. See how retargeting can help. @marketmox

While retargeting isn’t exclusive to online shopping, it tends to show great success in boosting conversions in ecommerce. If you do a lot of online shopping, you’ve no doubt seen retargeting in action before. But if you haven’t, there’s a simple test to see how it works. Try this:

  • Head over to Amazon and do a little browsing. Search for a few items. Click through some product pages. Just peruse.
  • Later, spend some time on Facebook. While scrolling through your newsfeed, pay close attention to the ads and sponsored content.

There’s a good chance that one of the products you previously saw on Amazon is now appearing in an ad on Facebook or other websites across the Internet. That’s the magic of retargeting. Because your browser knows exactly which products you’re interested in, Amazon can now serve you the most relevant ads in their arsenal — increasing the likelihood that you will engage and purchase. The best part: you don’t have to be an ecommerce giant to leverage behavioral targeting in exactly this way.

Many service-oriented brands use retargeting to boost lead generation. Once you’ve visited their sites, you’re likely to see banner ads pop up on news and blog sites — encouraging you to return and leverage their tools. Again, the incredible effectiveness of retargeting in boosting conversions makes it incredibly powerful for those brands looking to drive action from their digital advertising.

Leveraging retargeting as part of your marketing strategy does take some know how, but that shouldn’t stop you from seeing great success. Reaching out to a marketer for help in shaping your digital strategy can make retargeting simple, accessible and an effective tool for your brand right away.

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