Stop Sending Sucky Subject Lines


Crafting perfect subject lines takes much more skill than one might expect. In fewer characters than your typical tweet, you must grab attention, make a point and cause just enough curiosity to inspire a click. The perfect subjects are very much a balance of art and science — involving just enough creativity to entertain while very strategically moving subscribers on to the real deal — your message.

The AdStation creatives write, test and optimize thousands of subject lines each month. They’ve seen it all — short, long, intricate, simple, subtle, shocking and beyond. We quizzed them on what works best and rolled the details into the perfect eBook just for you — the Pretty Great Guide to Subject Lines.

Share a link to the eBook below or complete the form to the right to download the full eBook!

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The eBook’s 24 pages are packed with details for making the most of your email’s first impression. Stand out from the crowd with helpful tips on:

Messaging • Subject Length • Capitalization and Case • Punctuation
Good Words vs. Flagged Words • Mobile Optimization • Personalization
Testing and Optimization • Visual Recommendations • Content and more!

For our friendly blog followers, the eBook is available for free download immediately. Claim your copy!


This post originally appeared on the AdStation blog.

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