[Infographic] Mobile Email Offers Out-Performing All Other Email


New data released in the industry is causing a stir around mobile email. With recent reports stating that mobile email conversion rates jumped 70% in the last year and that offers are the mobile widely preferred content to receive, mailers are quickly jumping on board to deliver mobile optimized email offers to make money from their lists.

AdStation collected current trends in its latest infographic:


The graphic reports several stats that show just how mobile traffic value is quickly overpowering that of desktop traffic:
  • Mobile traffic now makes up 40% of all email clicks
  • 53% of email opens are on mobile devices
  • Mobile email open rates have risen 180% over the last 3 years
  • 68% of Gmail and Yahoo opens occur on a smartphone or tablet
  • 79% of users use their phone to check email which is more than make phone calls
  • Checking email is the most popular activity done on a smartphone
  • Responsive email design achieves 30% more clicks than non-responsive design
  • However, less than 12% of email newsletters use responsive design
  • Mobile email value has grown 28%
  • Mobile email value growth more than doubles the value of desktop value growth
  • 23% of mobile campaigns are opened more than once
  • When opened multiple times, email messages are 65% more likely to generate clicks
  • 27% prefer to receive special offers via mobile email
  • Offers are the most preferred email message

Clearly, now is the right time to monetize your email data by targeting mobile audiences. AdStation is making that easier than ever with highly targeted, mobile-optimized offers delivered directly from its award-winning offer engine.

Contact the AdStation team today to learn more.

This post originally appeared on the AdStation blog.

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