10 Quotes You Missed at Media Next


[alert type=”info” heading=”Media Next 2014″]Catch up on all the news from Media Next 2014 in New York City. See more conference posts from our team at the show.[/alert]

Media Next 2014 came and went in a whirlwind. Taking over two floors of Time Square’s Marriott Marquis, the show gathered some of the brightest minds in publishing to discuss content, advertising, marketing and everything in between. With three jam-packed days in New York City, you’d better believe that there were plenty of amazing ideas floating around. We overheard a few awesome ones that you just can’t afford to miss. Take a look:

Media Next quote Media Next quote Media Next quote Media Next quote Media Next quote Media Next quote Media Next quote Media Next quote Media Next quote


This post originally appeared on the AdStation blog.

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