251 Articles1890 Comments

Almost Seeing the Smoky Mountains and Tennessee’s Sad Elephant Story

Our first morning in Louisville reintroduced the breakfast tradition of our legendary past travels:...

Muse at the Museum in the Nelson-Atkins Sculpture Garden

With bursts of colorful light, the magic of Tarot and palm readings, the majesty...

From Kansas City to Louisville with Grandma and Grandpa

With a full year since our last adventure, Grandma and Grandpa pulled into the...

Prepping for Another Road Trip with My Grandparents

In less than 60 hours, I will be back on the road with my...

Sunshine and Margaritas on the Beach

Not too long ago, I realized that I’ve never been to a beach resort....

Portfolio Preview: Kansas wildfire fundraiser photos

Dad has called three times today. “If you want a story…,” he begins. He tells...

Kansas Wildfire Relief (Oklahoma, Texas and Colorado Too) – How and Where to Help

Use the links and recommendations below to support those affected by the wildfires in...

Wildfires in Western Kansas

[x_alert heading=”Donate Now” type=”info”]The ranchers, farmers and families of Southwest Kansas need our help....

New ReachMobi Promo Video Launches

On the day of hearts and love and flower and glitter, there’s nothing much...

Portfolio Preview: RealQuantum logo and brand kit

RealQuantum needed a new brand visual – and fast. After their previous logo designs...