251 Articles1756 Comments

Rocky shores of Positano

Boats rocked in the distance as I absorbed the world from the rocky shore...

Laundry, and then what?

The weird nature of the career I’ve found myself in constantly challenges the “and...

An Aunt Day at the symphony

I solemnly swear that we’re up to no good. Over the past few years,...

Boarding the most dangerous flight in the world

The conscious decision to avoid nearly all Everest Base Camp-related research was strategic. I...

Exploring Kathmandu, Nepal

Waking up in Kathmandu was surreal. The trip planning had taken months. The flights...


In my Moments from the sky entry in the journal, the idea of leaving...

“To both recognize and invent beauty”

A few years ago, when I took my first big leap into working for...

Revisiting the Everest Base Camp stories

Each time I travel, I stash a new journal and fresh pen in the...

New brand designs for Emily Ackart Fitness

It’s true that the worst cases of designer’s block result in the most beautiful...

Ogilvy is 5

Years, around here, seem to fly by much too quickly. Adding the perfect punctuation...