[Video] Are Your Messages in the Inbox?


With 70% of “this is spam” complaints being made up of marketing messages, it’s no surprise that email marketers face a few challenges in the medium — the biggest of which is reaching the inbox. In fact, spam costs American firms and consumers nearly $20 billion each year. That’s like buying water for the entire world, twice. Or Iceland. You could just buy Iceland.

Don’t confuse that with the canned meat product. We’re talking about irrelevant, untargeted email spam. And that kind of spam has global inbox placement hovering around 75.9%. That means one in every four emails aren’t making it through ISP spam filters. While intentions are good, it’s not uncommon for innocent marketing messages to get caught in those filters and never reach their target audience.

That’s where we come in. Harness the power of AdStation email technologies to improve your sender reputation, bypass tricky spam filters, improve deliverability and increase your ROI.

Check out the Are Your Messages in the Inbox? infographic for more information or contact us today to get started.


This post originally appeared on the AdStation blog.

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