Quibblo Facebook refresh


On a roll with the social network skins this week, I jumped into an update of the Quibblo Quizzes page on Facebook. The page has previously used a combination of stock art and repurposed banner ads to piece together the cover and profile images. Unfortunately, neither was quite on target for our young quiz audience.





The redesign pulled from the palette of the existing Quibblo site and logo, while also incorporating new sketch-style graphics over the brand’s signature orange. The new graphics have a fun, youthful feel while providing much more energy to the page. And, they still tell the story of the site, which might be my favorite part. Quibblo is community for sharing quizzes, stories and more – so the question marks, lightbulbs, note pads and pens are naturally a good visual fit. They imply the purpose of the tool without having to add heavy explanations and copy to the graphic. Always love it when we can pull that off!

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