As is usual when creeping in on a trip, I’ve been sifting through old photos and reimagining their stories. I love it.
Travel has become such an incredible inspiration in my life. The beginning of a new journal was inevitable. Here it is.
We’re 17 days from take off for Nepal. Nearly all is gathered and ready for packing. I couldn’t be more nervous. Too much is easily forgotten.
Vaccinations – check. I’m wrapping up the Typhoid dosages this week. Hep A, Hep B, Tetanus and Flu were all covered last week. Less than thrilling and so glad it’s done.
In the midst of the craziest parts of preparing, I’m overwhelmingly excited to see this part of the world.
My family doesn’t explore much. Especially now, they seem terrified by the news and hearsay of what exists in other cultures. I want to know more – and seeing it for myself is the only answer.
I truly believe that the world possesses more good than any of us know. You must seek it. You must pursue goodness and draw it to you. Good breeds good like fear breeds fear and hate breeds hate. I refuse to be part of the problem.
Nepal will be entirely new to me in language, customs, culture, atmosphere and experience. It will be an exceptional challenge. Truly incredible.
I cannot wait.
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