Behind the Brand Board at MARKETMOX


Building a brand goes well beyond simply picking a logo. Latest trends have put the brand board front and center for leading your brand inspiration. When it came time to start shoving MARKETMOX in the right direction, we jumped on the bandwagon to create a brand board of our own that has truly helped to guide our visual.

First, let’s recap just what a brand is. Your brand represents who your business is, what you do and how your target audience will meet, know and perceive you. Fast Company perfectly sums this up in The Brand Called You:

It’s time for me — and you — to take a lesson from the big brands, a lesson that’s true for anyone who’s interested in what it takes to stand out and prosper in the new world of work.

Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.

When it came to building the MARKETMOX brand, it was immediately obvious that it had to cater to both what MARKETMOX is and what I’ve built as a contractor and freelancer over the last 15 years. Unbranded — I was simply a person that you hire to design for and sell your product or service. Branded — MARKETMOX brings new energy to the table with the added benefit of being immediately recognized and well-regarded in the industry.

MARKETMOX horizontal logo by @marketmox

In addition to incredible marketing and design services, you also get the power of this big beautiful, respected brand telling the world about you. That value add is simply priceless.

MARKETMOX brand board by @marketmox So, what influenced the MARKETMOX visual? I get this question a lot. Mostly because MARKETMOX is incredibly quirky, kind of odd and just weird enough that you want to look again. It’s bright. It’s bold. It sparkles. Somewhere in the middle are a bunch of unicorns, obscene amounts of glitter, sloppy paint rainbows and random doodles. All of it stems from one wild idea: this is what it looks like inside my head. And, it’s appropriately sarcastic.

Take a look at our Instagram. It’s genuinely one giant brand board that represents everything we’re about.

[instagram-feed num=5 cols=5]

If you don’t laugh at what’s going on at MARKETMOX, you’re not getting it. We’re having a ton of fun doing what we do and it shows through and through. Glitter? More like glitter bomb. Unicorns? You’d better believe they’re breaking the rules. Punchy pink? Let’s use an entirely bold palette with edgy photography. Everything is over the top. It’s all inspired by current trends in design, social media, marketing and more — but it takes them a step further. We don’t “do” typical — we step beyond, push boundaries and create something new. That’s the exact principle this brand visual is built on.

Instagram inspiration from @marketmox

What’s more — this is the foundation of everything I build for anyone. We’re going to find the data to support branding decisions and push your business toward success, but we’re also not going to do it in all the typical ways. If we need to break the visual mold, we can do just that. Maybe you need a new hand drawn logo, or maybe your market is saturated with that and we should look elsewhere to help you stand out. Maybe you need your own edgy style or maybe a softer elegant touch is the right next step. Whatever it is that you need to start building your own brand, we can help you find it and run with it — with as much joy and passion as if we’re creating our own. Because we are.

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