Coding an HTML Email Signature


Need to give your email conversations a professional face lift? We thought you might. Adding some interactivity by coding an HTML email signature is one of the easiest ways to drive engagement with your brand beyond your email message.

Email continues to be a powerhouse in digital marketing strategies. And, it’s no surprise that the most-read messages are those that are sent by a real human involving a real conversation. Squeeze every drop of effectiveness out of your day-to-day messages by adding a few links to your website and social networks in your signature.

Here’s one we recently pulled together for a Kansas City client:

AdPredictive came to us looking for their existing signature design to be clickable — not just a pasted in JPG. We took all of the elements of their former signature, a rebuilt the entire thing in basic HTML with inline styles. The video shows the process sped up from start to finish. We adjusted colors, added graphics and made adjustments to ensure the new signature would work for everyone on the team, regardless of their email platform.

The finished product gave each member of the team a professional, new signature that linked directly to the company’s website, social networks and more. Now, every email to every new client offers plenty of opportunity for the recipients to engage further online. It doesn’t get more efficient than that!

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