Make More Money Faster with New Email Monetization Upgrades


The crew at AdStation has done it again. We’ve added new upgrades to our already popular email monetization platform so that it’s now easier than ever for mailers to make money by sending offers.

Our automated offer engine is known throughout the industry for its advanced targeting capabilities. Leveraging a database of more than 1.5 billion consumer profiles, it identifies key details about your encrypted list then delivers hyper-targeted offers to each email address. Simply connect your preferred delivery method to the platform and set it to send precisely the right offers to generate clicks.

In fact, the existing platform has already been acknowledged as the #1 in Email Ad Performance by Adotas and the most highly rated email performance network in a reputation study conducted by The Pert Group. Building on a legacy of success, what more could we add?

Our newest upgrades put more offer control into the hands of our mailers. Now, you have the power to choose and customize offer templates and creatives so that they can better match your typical mailings and solidify even higher click through rates. You can also select the advertising categories you feel your audience will be most responsive to — again, improving CTRs as well as open rates. And, as if that wasn’t enough, you can set the frequency at which your categories are delivered too — ensuring your audience receives the most valuable messages possible at the proper cadence.

For example, if the audience of your list is most interested in Home Improvement, you can choose to send from categories like Home Security, Replacement Windows, Bamboo Flooring, Solar Panels and more. AdStation will do all the heavy lifting within your selected categories and other custom settings to match the highest converting offer for each subscriber from its vast advertiser network — netting you the highest PPCs from your audience.

In the past, the power of AdStation has only been accessible via API integration. While the secure API option is still available, one of the greatest features included in the new upgrades is an ultra-fast set up via SMTP relay.

Now, you can access all of AdStation’s amazing features and campaign inventory in as little as one hour when you take advantage of the new connection method. This means that during the time in which you’d be integrating with any other provider, AdStation can have you up and running and making money. Get started making more money faster than with any other email monetization option when you choose AdStation.

Monetize your email distribution with the best in the industry:

  • Leverage the AdStation database of more than 1.5 billion consumer profiles
  • Choose and customize offer templates and creatives
  • Select most relevant offer categories for your audience
  • Send at the most appropriate frequency
  • And, connect quickly via SMTP relay

Contact the AdStation team to learn more and get started today.

This post originally appeared on the AdStation blog.

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